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Medford Lakes Colony

Photo Credit: Brent Blanchard

Colony Events

October 8th - Sewing Circle, Demby Annex, 10:00 am

October 8th - MLAA Board Meeting, Demby, 8:00 pm

October 10th - Senior Scene, Vaughan Hall, 9:30 am

October 14th - Colony Office Closed

October 14th - Lake Leaders Meeting, Vaughan, 7 pm

October 15th - Sewing Circle, Demby Annex, 10:00 am

October 16th - Garden Club Luncheon, Vaughan, 10am

October 17th - Senior Scene, Vaughan Hall, 9:30 am

October 19th - Haunted Walk, Nokomis Woods, 7 pm

October 22nd - Sewing Circle, Demby Annex, 10:00 am




*To view more information on a specific date, click on the "+" symbol.

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