The replica E. Earle Jackson Memorial Park was rededicated on the 80th anniversary of the original monument which was lost in the flood of 2004.
Photo Credit: Twilight Blue Photography
On Monday, July 15 the replica E. Earle Jackson Memorial Park was dedicated on the 80th anniversary of the original monument lost in the flood of 2004.
The monument's new location serves as an inviting connective gateway between Oaks Hall, the 9/11 Memorial and Trading Post Way to the west, and Beach One, Vaughan Hall and Brooks Field to the east.
Thank you to Project Managers Kent Hardwick and Brent Blanchard along with Craftsmen George Wiker, Tim Lotierzo, Gary Mercy, Steve Gibson, Brian Bennett, Jason Jenkins, Joseph Adamson, Ernie Flake and Andy Flake.
Additional donors of materials and expertise include Tommy Sanson, Sonny Piech, Steve Heicklen, Justin Sederat, Jim Jefferson, Tom Wiker, John Gallimore, A. J. Hawthorne, Robert Burton, Orest Kindrachuck, Ed Abert, Steven Gibson, Jeremy Sviben, John Snyder, Bill Frame, Don Schroeder and Rob Shoaf.
The funding for this project was provided by the Medford Lakes Recreation Improvement Fund, the Medford Lakes Canoe Carnival Committee, the Medford Lakes Lions, and donations from many generous individuals and families.
Photo Credit: Twilight Blue Photography
Thank you to everyone who was a part of making this remarkable Jackson Memorial Park a reality!